Thursday, August 30, 2012

We're not in Kansas anymore

Today I arrived in Spain. And I have to say, as we made our descent into Madrid, all I could think was how much it all looked like the suburbs of Las Vegas. This thought was only reinforced during our drive to Salamanca. I was descending into a deep pit of despair when Fate stepped in and I spotted a small, enclosed city, with tall, castle like walls surrounding it. Turns out the city is called Ávila, and we made a pit stop just outside the city. We stood at this monument called Los Cuatro Postes, which had a spectacular view of Ávila. I would have liked to walk around Avila, but we only stopped for maybe a half hour. Then we got back on the road, and the barren wasteland returned, with no real trees in sight. Now we are in Salamanca, and the city is pretty old and cool looking, which makes everything a lot better. Not a lot of Spanish is being spoken amongst the PRESHCO students, but I'm hoping that will change once I get to my host family in Córdoba and start taking classes. At least, I'm going to wait to start panicking until that point. I'm so exhausted though. Besides a 20 minute nap on the bus, I've been awake about 28 hours and counting. I can't wait to go to sleep. Everyone is talking about going out for drinks or visiting clubs. I'm fairly confident that as soon as dinner is over (which begins at 9pm.....????) I'm just going to flop on the bed and pass out.
Hopefully I will have more interesting things to discuss next time I post after we take our guided tour of Salamanca. After Salamanca we travel to Segovia, followed by various other cities. Wish me luck. I just want to start using my Spanish.

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