Wednesday, September 12, 2012

First Impressions

That's the first picture I took of me in Cordoba. I think I have a total of two photos here that have me in them. I'm so bad at asking people to take my photo. Eventually I'll get better at that I'm sure. Anyways, today was our first day of classes. I enjoyed both my Romans in Spain class and my Spanish Medieval Art class. I feel bad because I don't like it when professors or tour guides speak so......slow.....for an hour. However, I need to step away from obnoxious Sara and embrace that it is really thoughtful of them to do that. Though short anecdote, the last tour we went on there was this tour guide who translated all the cognates like "obstaculo" and "cisterna." That just gets me. If it sounds exactly the same in the other language, I'm pretty sure it doesn't need to be translated. But enough ranting about that.

Life with my host family has been going pretty well. I find I'm not in the house all that often. When I am in the house I'm usually so tired that I just want to take a nap. Wellesley women are women who will take naps. That banner was made for me. I don't have too many problems understanding my host family when they speak to me. Obviously there are moments when the words they use fly straight over my head. And if they are speaking to each other then I don't have a snow ball's chance in hell of understanding.

On our last tour (aka the tour that never ended and killed our feet) we got to see the Mezquita. It was quite beautiful, and I loved the arches. It's really cool how the oldest part of the church is from either the 8th or 9th century. Now THAT'S what I'm talking about :) But hilarious fact: we saw a person walking their pig in the courtyard of La Mezquita. That's right. Walking their pig.

That's all for now. Hopefully it continues to go well.

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